../ alo! my name is elliot, and i am intersted in many things. the internet moniker is eliobrid for now. mainly because there are mulable ways to spell "elliot". may change it to eliobem or awnobem in the future. as a artist / username type deal. give it some spice.

me in digital space

email: kravohi@gmail.com discord: eliobrid itch: eliobrid bandcamp: Elliot Bridges

me in physical space

chromosomes: XY pronouns: any first and formost, i am a person. my body's chromosomes are XY, this afects the chemicals in my body and the way i was raised. for some this means i am he/him, for others it doesn't mean anything. i am trained to respond to he/him but i don't really care.

this website

all media and images on this website are under CC BY-NC-SA all code is under the MIT liecence or what every uts called. sorry if your looking at this website on a phone. this website was desgined to be interacted with on a pc. can you spot this website's inpreration? -> everest pipkin's website ;) i'm not very good with html yet, so learning how their website works helped with that. i'll do my best to come up with something more origonal in the furture. [bow] visit the Oscillascope Theater