../ The following is a transcript from the show Alone. I thought it was important and decided to archive Alan's thoughts here on this website. Alan is a fun dude, i'd like to be his student.
so, while on my way to forage i had a bought of diarrhea, and decided to go ahead and, jump into the ocean and take a bath hopefully its not, near the water ive been (bowling? bouling?) in i guess anytime you travel and get used to a new environment your body has to adjust oh the sun {relief} and that's another thing i've thought about while i've been out here i think we use to many health and beauty care products you know what i've used since i've been out here sand and water and it has been sufficient, just basic, good ol fashioned basic i think that where, that's were we're failing at, just basic down to earth skills we're the only creature in nature that can't survive, apart from all this artificiality that we have technology's good, there's benefits to it, but, there's a dark side somthin's wrong when you go through your whole day lookin at a screen and pressing a button i'm just sayin balance is what im tryin to say in all things balance we're guna have to slow down think get back to bein' real people, listin'n to each other i think if we focused on what we have in common instead of what we had, that differs then, alot of things would be diffrent that's one thing you know, with, comin' out into the woods one thing you realize there is no hierarchy or pickin' order or social status, there are so many commonalities air we all breath it, i don't care if you're a billionaire or a homeless vagrant, you gata have it and the same air he breaths is the same air i breath, so we have that in common and the same with water you see im a person that, i think like Henry David Thoreau i actual read Thoreau, i like him i would like to hang out with him, he, he was prob'bly a really cool guy and here am i just a spec of dust {dramatically} abiding his time in patience until such time as i, don't want to do that anymore