..\ I guess this is what happens when you try to ignore something you don't want to think about. Eventualy that thing is going to bite you back pretty hard unless you face it. watched this video before starting The claw thing i used was awsome. The head of a shampoo bottle that got stuck in the p-trap. First feeling this at the bottom, then pulling it out, it was a kind of horror and curiosity i don't really want to repeat. Its out in the open now i guess. I feal like I remeber seeing this go down one day. I don't know though. i may have blocked it out. As i started to go through with it, a putrid stank became smellable. I put on a heavy duty mask i found in the garage. The mask smelled a lill funy so i put some lemongrass oil in it, for a distracting smell. Big mistake, put too much in, it stung my nose. Should have watered down the couple drops i put in. Had to make a makshift mask with a tea towel and a tight weave rag. After removing the giant clogs of hair, and the shampoo bottle head, there was still alot of junk on the sides of the pipe. I used the claw as deap as i could, reapting until there was no hair globs left. Now how to clean the sides of the pipe. I needed a big pipe cleaner. Ace hardware was closed. Home depot was open till 10. I'd need to wait for some one to get back with a car. In the meantime I watched these videos in order. I needed to understand how basement plumbing worked. I don't want it to be something i have to ignore. https://youtu.be/8jxRn-T_LCs?si=DkKRI4txf5gcK6SR https://youtu.be/C9Keoe0nh_E?si=XdjvViTif6jlMzpS https://youtu.be/NkNINq4kC-w?si=71X6mQpx9JR3mMBg Especially with the last video, it felt liminal and dark, strange. This isnt something very natural to have to do. The towers, the moon, and home depot had a vibe. This is a duct cleaner, $9. I though it might work. A cool dude with a bunch of arm tatoos and a wandering eye helped me find stuff. I wana be like em when i grow up, or somethin. First step was to pour a cup of baking soda into the hole. Then a cup a vinigar. It was a clean smell. Waited a bit. Started scrubbing with the duct cleaner. Here's the final result. I don't know if i would recomedn the duct cleaner, i ended up scratching the PVC, which is a bit unerving. Meabye if there was one with a bigger rubber tip. But now its clean i belive. Its strange, all this equpiment, and materials. It makes it so we can have a dencly populated area without shit in the streats. I can't describe it. It fills me with dread. Now its a lill shiny though i guess :)